Women on Investment Success Historically, investors focused on accumulation, measuring success by returns relative to a benchmark and total assets in their portfolio. Today, women are setting personalized performance standards that reflect their need for access to their money, income generation and investments that align with their values. Investing that Reflects Values Women’s objectives are more purposeful than cumulative, a philosophy that has led them to favor investment strategies that reflect their values. 70% want to invest their money in a way that reflects their personal values 82% want to invest in companies that “do no harm” 77% of millennial women are interested in investing in social impact funds Performance is Defined by Income Women across ages, education and income levels are interested in generating income, explaining they see investment income as a catalyst for choice and flexibility. 79% say they’re optimistic about investing’s potential to create a steady source of income before retirement. 61% say a steady income is a top indicator of portfolio success. Prioritizing the Here and Now Women investors prioritize the here and now over long-term planning, seeking short-term investment strategies that will allow them to meet immediate needs and offer the freedom to make choices as opportunities arise. 71% of women are looking for opportunities to optimize their money today 71% 44% rank the ability to meet unexpected needs as a top indicator of success 44% About the Survey At PIMCO, we believe diverse perspectives generate deeper insights, drive greater innovation and yield better outcomes for investors. That conviction, combined with our research-driven culture, led us to commission this large-scale market survey, Women, Investing and the Pursuit of Wealth-Life Balance. The objective of the survey was to collect and analyze data that would illuminate the needs of women investors, including their motivations, goals, performance expectations and investment philosophy, to help ensure that the financial goals of this important segment of the investing population are being met – both here at PIMCO and throughout the financial services industry. Women, Investing & the Pursuit of Wealth-Life Balance View our full research findings. Download Report Sign Up for the Newest Releases and Updates on Women & Investing Subscribe Now More About PIMCO Women's Expanding Economic Power Women are transforming the global economy. Is investment management keeping pace? Women & Investing at PIMCO Advocating for gender equality in workplace, our industry and the communities where we live and work. Read More Purpose at PIMCO At PIMCO, we understand both the opportunity and obligation to effect meaningful social change. Learn More
About the Survey At PIMCO, we believe diverse perspectives generate deeper insights, drive greater innovation and yield better outcomes for investors. That conviction, combined with our research-driven culture, led us to commission this large-scale market survey, Women, Investing and the Pursuit of Wealth-Life Balance. The objective of the survey was to collect and analyze data that would illuminate the needs of women investors, including their motivations, goals, performance expectations and investment philosophy, to help ensure that the financial goals of this important segment of the investing population are being met – both here at PIMCO and throughout the financial services industry.